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Amazing Transport Services in China

These pictures were taken by a French photographer, Alain Delorme in Shanghai throughout 2009 & 2010. He called the series, Totems. These couriers - mostly migrant workers from other parts of China - not only need strong legs but also acrobatic skills to balance these massive loads on their tricycles & bicycles while on the move. A lot of you must be wondering where the centre of gravity is in each case.

Zlata, The Most Flexible Hot Gymnast in the World

Zlata is a Russian-born former gymnast, 24, is one of the world’s most extreme contortionists. Zlata’s height is 5ft 9ins and weighing just eight and a half stone, Zlata spends most of her day working out and training for shows around the world.

How India Looks on the Night of The Diwali Festival

Microcosmos by Brandon Broll

Microcosmos takes readers into a secret world of extreme close-ups. Some subjects have been magnified by as much as 22million times.Compiled by London-based science author Brandon Broll, Microcosmos takes a piercing look at the everyday in six sections including Zoology, The Human Body and Botanics.Taken by over 30 ‘microscopists’ using a variety of powerful microscopes, the book charters a voyage through a miniature world showing the unlikeliest parts of our lives in minuscule detail.Colourful clutter: Magnified 22million times, this microscopic photo is of household dust containing lo

Digital Art Painting by Marek Okon

Above digital art painting by Polish artist Marek Okon
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